Short information for visitors from international autoimmune groups

[Kurzinfo zur Verlinkung in englischsprachigen Patientenforen, LinkedIn- oder Facebook-Gruppen usw. – darf gerne weitergeleitet werden]


my name is Andrea, and I am from Cologne, Germany. I am a Hashimoto patient, diagnosed one year ago (and still in the adjustment phase …). As a biologist, I have read a lot about autoimmune diseases since.

Now I am writing a book about the evolutionary background of autoimmune diseases. To illustrate the book with professionally designed, easy-to-grasps diagrams, I started a crowdfunding campaign which will end on June 16th. If you are able to read German, find out more here:

Even if you don’t know any German, have a look at the videos there and on the update page ( – I had a really good time producing them!

I have only three weeks left to collect 2000 Euros. So if you know any person who might be interested in the book or might be willing to support the project for other reasons, please let them know and send them the above link.

Thanks a lot!


Andrea (

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