Schlagwort-Archive: Samenflüssigkeit

Aufräumaktion, Teil 2

Weitere [fast] unkommentierte Links aus den angesammelten Wissenschafts-Newslettern der letzten Wochen:


Yandell (2016): Chimps Share Microbes When Socializing

Kinder: Antibiotika fördern Asthma und Übergewicht. Makrolid-Antibiotika verändern die schützende Darmflora bei Kindern nachhaltig (2016) – zu Korpela et al. (2016): Intestinal microbiome is related to lifetime antibiotic use in Finnish pre-school children (Open Access)

Offord (2016): Restoring C-Section Babies’ Microbiota. A small pilot study suggests exposure to maternal vaginal fluids could restore infant microbiota following Cesarean-section delivery.
[Ich hielt es naiverweise für selbstverständlich, dass das seit Jahren so gehandhabt wird. Eigentlich sträflicher Leichtsinn, erst jetzt damit anzufangen.]

Offord (2016): Antiperspirants Affect Armpit Ecosystems. Wearing antiperspirant can substantially alter a person’s armpit microbiome, scientists show.

Offord (2016): Hibernation Helpers. Gut microbes may help regulate the metabolic changes a bear experiences before and during hibernation, scientists show.

Azvolinsky (2016): Breast Milk Sugars Support Infant Gut Health. Oligosaccharides found in breast milk stimulate the activity of gut bacteria, promoting growth in two animal models of infant malnutrition.

Ghannoum (2016): The Mycobiome. The largely overlooked resident fungal community plays a critical role in human health and disease.

Pflanzliches Immunsystem:

Keener (2016): Plant Immunity. How plants fight off pathogens.

Aberli (2016): Fighting Back. Plants can’t run away from attackers, so they’ve evolved unique immune defenses to protect themselves.

Akst (2016): Premature Assault? Plants may trick bacteria into attacking before the microbial population reaches a critical size, allowing the plants to successfully defend the weak invasion.

Akst (2016): Widespread Plant Immune Tactics. A survey of plant genomes reveals how different species trick pathogens into triggering their immune defenses.

Zusi (2016): Fungal Security Force. In yew trees, Taxol-producing fungi function as an immune system to ward off pathogens.

Sonstige Themen:

Peng et al. (2016): Seminal fluid of honeybees contains multiple mechanisms to combat infections of the sexually transmitted pathogen Nosema apis (Paywall)

Elternschaft verändert Immunsystem mehr als eine Infektion. Elternschaft und Alter erweisen sich als größte Einflussfaktoren für die individuelle Immunabwehr (2016)

Offord (2016): Humans Meet Neanderthals: The Prequel. The earliest interbreeding between humans and Neanderthals took place at least 100,000 years ago—millennia earlier than previously thought.

Williams (2016): Neanderthals’ Genetic Legacy. Ancient DNA in the genomes of modern humans influences a range of physiological traits.