Schlagwort-Archive: Taufliege

Knut und der ganze Rest: Urlaubsnachlese

Knut hat es postum noch ein vermutlich letztes Mal geschafft, das Sommerloch zu füllen: Während meines Urlaubs ging die Nachricht um, dass der Eisbär an einer Autoimmunerkrankung zugrunde gegangen ist, nämlich an einer Anti-NMDA-Rezeptor-Encephalitis. Hier der entsprechende Forschungsartikel von H. Prüss et al.: Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis in the Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Knut.

Weitere Immunsystem-Meldungen und -Fachartikel der letzten Wochen; über einige davon werde ich demnächst noch bloggen:


Antibiotics and the Gut Microbiome
Antibiotics given to infant mice may have long-term effects on the animals’ metabolism and gut microbiota.

The Sum of Our Parts
Putting the microbiome front and center in health care, in preventive strategies, and in health-risk assessments could stem the epidemic of noncommunicable diseases.

How Fats Influence the Microbiome
Mice fed a diet high in saturated fat show shifts in their gut microbes and develop obesity-related inflammation.

Skin Microbes Help Clear Infection
In a small study, researchers find a link between an individual’s skin microbiome and the ability to clear a bacterial infection.
Die Studie (Open Access): The Human Skin Microbiome Associates with the Outcome of and Is Influenced by Bacterial Infection

Genetics, Immunity, and the Microbiome
The makeup of an individual’s microbiome correlates with genetic variation in immunity-related pathways, a study shows.
Die Studie (Open Access): Host genetic variation impacts microbiome composition across human body sites


Nur 160 Plätze für T-Vorläuferzellen im Thymus frei
Abstract (Rest hinter Paywall): Multicongenic fate mapping quantification of dynamics of thymus colonization.


Rethinking Lymphatic Development
Four studies identify alternative origins for cells of the developing lymphatic system, challenging the long-standing view that they all come from veins.

Brain Drain
The brain contains lymphatic vessels similar to those found elsewhere in the body, a mouse study shows.

Krebs und Autoimmunität

Body, Heal Thyself
Reviving a decades-old hypothesis of autoimmunity
Review (Open Access): Cancer-Induced Autoimmunity in the Rheumatic Diseases


Bacteria to Blame?
T cells activated in the microbe-dense gut can spark an autoimmune eye disease, a study shows.

Multiple Sklerose

Melatonin for MS?
Improvements in multiple sclerosis symptoms correlate with higher levels of the sleep hormone, a study finds.

Taufliegen: Erhöhung der genetischen Vielfalt zur Pathogenabwehr

Fending Off Infection in Future Generations
Female fruit flies challenged with infection during their lifetimes have offspring with greater genetic diversity.


The Prescient Placenta
The maternal-fetal interface plays important roles in the health of both mother and baby, even after birth.


Wie Bauernhöfe vor Asthma schützen
Spezifisches Protein senkt Überreaktionen des Immunsystems ab

Selbstmedikation von Affen bei Peitschenwurm-Infektionen

Sickness behaviour associated with non-lethal infections in wild primates (Abstract)

Neue Literatur bis einschließlich Dezember 2013, Teil 4

Der Rest, wieder unkommentiert und noch nicht verschlagwortet:

T cells and Transplantation: Drug-resistant immune cells protect patients from graft-versus-host disease after bone marrow transplant. T3

Bile Compound Prevents Diabetes in Mice: A chemical prevalent in the bear gallbladder abates a cellular stress response and stalls the progression of type 1 diabetes in rodents. T3

Matarese G et al. (2013): Hunger-promoting hypothalamic neurons modulate effector and regulatory T-cell responses (Open Access) T3
Dazu auch Neurons Govern Immunity: Hunger-associated molecules in the hypothalamus suppress inflammation.

Yu X et al. (2013): TH17 Cell Differentiation Is Regulated by the Circadian Clock (Abstract; PDF aber an anderer Stelle erhältlich) T3, T4
Dazu auch Time for T cells: Circadian rhythms control the development of inflammatory T cells, while jet lag sends their production into overdrive.

Scher JU et al. (29139: Expansion of intestinal Prevotella copri correlates with enhanced susceptibility to arthritis (Open Access) T4
Dazu auch Gut Microbes May Impact Autoimmunity: Researchers show that the prevalence of one genus of bacteria correlates with the onset of rheumatoid arthritis.

Zhong W et al. (2013): Immune anticipation of mating in Drosophila: Turandot M promotes immunity against sexually transmitted fungal infections (Open Access) T4
Dazu auch Frisky Fruit Flies: Researchers show that Drosophila females upregulate an immune gene for protection against sexually transmitted infections before copulation.

Simmonds MJ et al. (2013): Skewed X chromosome inactivation and female preponderance in autoimmune thyroid disease: an association study and meta-analysis (Abstract) T4

Alexandraki KI et al. (2013): Are patients with autoimmune thyroid disease and autoimmune gastritis at risk of gastric neuroendocrine neoplasms type 1? (Abstract) T3

Leskela S et al. (2013) Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Patients With Autoimmune Thyroid Disease (Abstract) T3

Ioannou M et al. (2013): In Vivo Ablation of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Inhibits Autoimmunity through Expansion of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (Open Access) T3

Simmonds MJ et al. (2013): GWAS in autoimmune thyroid disease: redefining our understanding of pathogenesis (Abstract) T3

Rege S, Hodgkinson SJ (2013): Immune dysregulation and autoimmunity in bipolar disorder: Synthesis of the evidence and its clinical application (Abstract) T3?

„Balzgesang“ von Taufliegenmännchen beeinflusst Immunsystem der Weibchen

Diese Studie liefert ein Beispiel für die enge Verzahnung von Sinnes- bzw. Nerven- und Immunsystem, die auch bei der Untersuchung psychischer Störungen immer stärker in den Fokus rückt. (Bei vielen dieser Störungen hat man mittlerweile Autoimmunreaktionen nachgewiesen.)

Elina Immonen und Michael G. Ritchie: The genomic response to courtship song stimulation in female Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. R. Soc. B, Published online before print October 5, 2011. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1644.

Die Autoren haben „Balzgesänge“ von Männchen zweier Drosophila-Arten (D. melanogaster und D. simulans) aufgenommen und untersucht, wie diese Aufnahmen die Genexpression in Weibchen der Art D. melanogaster beeinflussen. Die „Balzgesänge“ — rhythmische Tonfolgen, die die Männchen mit ihren Flügeln erzeugen— sind neben olfaktorischen, haptischen und optischen Reizen ein  wesentliches Element der Paarungsanbahnung bei Taufliegen.   Weiterlesen